Martin Universal Usb Dmx Driver For Mac
One of the very best ways to begin controlling DMX lighting is with a ENTTEC USB interface and any number of “free” pieces of software that support it. It makes a great first lighting console for someone who wants to learn lighting because you can experiment with a number of different pieces of software before you decide which to use. This allows you to learn some of the biggest consoles on the market, from your PC, for free! It’s also a handy tool to keep in your backpack as a backup 1 universe console in case something goes crazy on a gig!

Though there are many satisfied owners of ENTTEC interfaces, many people also throw in the towel after using sub-par and under-developed pieces of software that really don’t work well! There are so many options to choose from out there, and while some are great, others are just plain bad! Below, I’ve created a guide that shows you what interfaces work with these programs. I then describe the 2 different types of software that work with an ENTTEC.
Then I share my take – which ones I like, and which ones I don’t like so I can save you some frustration in the end! What is an ENTTEC Interface? The ENTTEC interface is a USB to DMX converter that allows you to control DMX lights from your standard computer instead of buying a lighting console. This gives us 2 main advantages. The first is that you can use it with a PC as a test console – and be able to test and try DMX lights without spending the money or getting out a big, expensive DMX console.
The 2nd advantage is that many of the cheap DMX consoles are the market are quite sad, and don’t work very well or offer flexibility. With this sub-$100 interface, you can have considerably more power and flexibility coming out of your PC than those cheap consoles. These DMX interfaces also do support DMX-in compatibility.
This allows for use with visualizers and as a DMX-in port for some software – most just require you to use a turn-around adapter to get that data in! ENTTEC compatible converters are primarily made by ENTTEC themselves, though there are also many clones available on the market. Here are the most popular units and some of the advantages/disadvantages each has:: This is ENTTEC’s cheapest model – it is a basic USB to DMX converter but lacks microprocessor control. For this reason, I don’t recommend this because the DMX will hiccup if your computer gets stuck!
Martin Usb Dmx Drivers
(However, this is a great model for hobbyists, or testing purposes): The next interface in the ENTTEC line offers microprocessor control and RDM compatibility and is a great unit! For folks who need 1 universe of DMX output, this is a great buy! RDM stands for Remote Device Management and allows modern DMX lights to “talk back” to the console with status.

With RDM, we can re- address and change modes of fixtures from the ground, and get updates on sensors, fan speeds, lamp hours and anything else that the fixture has enabled!: This is ENTTEC’s top unit, and gives you It’s also heavier duty, and has a DMX input jack which can run with 1 output universe. With this unit, you get 2 universes total. So, if you use the DMX-in, you only get 1 universe out in addition!
No matter what unit you buy, always make sure to download the latest drivers from the manufacturer before you begin testing software. What Software Can I Use To Control My Lights? Martin M-PC Software w/2D View = Awesome! Now that we’ve covered the hardware, it’s time to figure out what software to use! When it comes to console software, there is a fairly clear dividing line between most of the software packages out there. There are professional level console software packages, which have the advantage of flexibility, but can restricted and/or difficult to program without hardware. To keep things simple, I’m calling any console software that is available to buy in a stand-alone desk a “professional software”.
Then there are pieces of software designed just for PC users, which can be easier to learn, but not as flexible and ultimately may have more bugs. But don’t unnecessarily rule them out, because they may be the right fit for you and your lighting needs! Professional Console Software. Chamsys PC Software On the professional console side, your 2 main contenders are. Both allow 1 universe of DMX output via ENTTEC USB widgets, and Martin’s MPC also allows you to use MIDI controllers as your hardware They’re both great pieces of software and very stable.
Though Martin’s M-PC only runs on Windows as compared to Chamsys which also runs on Mac and Linux, it’s my recommendation to anyone who wants to learn a professional level console on the cheap with an ENTTEC interface. I really like where the M-PC platform is going, and I think it’s a little easier to pick up.
PC-Only Software. Many PC Controllers allow you to use MIDI interfaces for control – including Martin M-PC! On the PC-only side, there are a few main contenders that stand out of the crowd of many: All 3 of these pieces of software are free, offer MIDI control and can work with conventional, LED and moving lights. I generally DON’T recommend these free pieces of non-professional software to people because there is generally a pretty big learning curve and some bugs.
However, many people use these pieces of software successfully and make great shows – so I’m not telling you it’s wrong, just that it’s not my recommendation! So here’s my advice: Look at the options out there, try a few out, and see what you like best. This is the beauty of having an ENTTEC interface – it opens up the options you can have to run a DMX console from your computer on the cheap! I really enjoy your site, I’ve learned a bunch from the content on it.
Here’s my problem: I am looking for a controller that can do some stuff that my current set-up can’t. I’m running a Chauvet Obey 70 right now. I have a couple of Chauvet Intimidator series movers that I use primarily as spots. I need a controller that can allow me to bring the brightness up at the same time I’m moving the spots into position. In other words, I want the scene to start at full black, then as the movers are coming around from their stand by position to their initial settings, I want the lights to get brighter, so they are at 100% brightness by the time they get to the initial scene position.
This is an action that seems to be outside the ability of the Obey 70. I’m open to suggestions. I work for a band that is willing to invest in the right PC based software. Thanks for your time! Hey Chris, You are right that more advanced programming like this is beyond what the Obey 70 can do. As you probably know, there area a LOT of different PC softwares, and some of them are good, but some are not!
For your case, I’d either suggest Enttec’s DMXIS or Martin M-PC with an M-Touch. In short, DMXIS is much simpler, but isn’t as easy to run “on the fly”, outside of the pre-recorded cues. M-PC is a full-scale, professional console software and can do anything you’d want – but it has a much bigger learning curve! Learn more here: Thanks for writing in, -David.
Martin Universal Usb Dmx Driver

Hey Patrick, Lightkey looks like a decent piece of software, but it hasn’t been around too long. So my biggest concern with it, is, how updated will they keep it in the future, or will it just die in a year or 2? Lightkey is designed more for simpler shows and lacks advanced functionality (but it is easy to use). Chamsys is more difficult to use, but has incredible functionality. PC is going to give you a TON more options in controllers ( ), and a properly set up Windows 10 PC is just as stable as a Mac.
Logitech rechargeable trackpad 4981508 for mac. ( ), and of course, PC’s are cheaper. I have been running martin light jockey (LJ2) for several years and really loved the ability to programme lights exactly to the time code of an mp3 track but im migrating to MPC and totally confused with how i can do this? It appears i have to buy an external time code unit??
This seems a very backward step not to have included a facility within the software to do this. What is your suggestion for a device that allows me to time code my lights (Mp3 or Cd)?
I tried emailing martin UK-No reply 🙠x81.