Npd Copy On Flowvella
I have worked at the NPD Group for the past few summers. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time spent here as I have not only learned a lot about the corporate culture and world, but also about myself. Being a Summer Associate, I was tasked with mostly mundane tasks that needed to be completed on a day-to-day basis. For example, I was tasked with managing the Internal Communication platform for the NPD Group when my manager went away on vacation.
This taught me the importances of deadlines and organization. Overall working at the NPD Group was very beneficial and I enjoyed my time there very much. I have been with The NPD Group for 2+ years. I find it to be a forward-thinking, high-integrity organization and am very happy here. I agree with some of the other reviews that their isn't always room for advancement, but it does depend on your department. The management team is very thoughtful and transparent.
My manager is amazing and I have learned so much from her. I am encouraged to be creative, try new ideas, and am empowered to make decisions. I feel respected and my contributions are valued. The benefits are sufficient and affordable. My only minor complaint is the salary and bonus structure. As a manager with a team, I don't have any say in their increases - I am just told what they are getting.
I would like to have a stronger voice in the process. I have worked at NPD for less than a year. I am working in a part of the company that would be considered low skilled and less demanding when compared to other positions within the company. Right now I am very happy. In my position the environment is low stress and I am able to come in every day, get my work done, and go home.
Currently my goal is to gain more computer skills in order to apply for a better position within the company. The only negative for me is I don't completely know how the company operates and what its goals are, I don't know what other people within the company do, I am not required to, but I wish they offered some more training and explanations of the company's many functions. This was my first job and I was excited to start. From my interview experience, this place looked promising and a great start to a career. What they had me do was absolutely nothing at all similar to the job ad. There was no training whatsoever, and the supervisor expected me to already know everything right away. Because I had no training, I created a vicious cycle where I would get projects wrong and my boss would get frustrated until I ended up feeling very inept.
In essence, training is not in NPD's dictionary. They expect you to know everything right away-they threw all these acronyms at me as if I knew what they were already. On my first day, they threw a very complex project on my lap without any explanation on what it actually is, including what its acronym of a name stood for. Because of disorganized restructuring that seems to be ongoing, the work they had me do was not at all what I was trained to do, so naturally I was not good at it, which annoyed my supervisor. It made me think of a quote from the movie Office Space: '.it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care' (also, I hope you like the cubicle farm, because that's what you'll get-in their headquarters, there are almost no windows whatsoever, so it's a bunch of cubicles and tiny offices that are lit by halogen lights, which is pretty depressing).
There's really no incentive unless you are in dire need of a superficial 'you did it' corporate banner on your cubicle. There's no room for growth, and many young people see this as just a gig until they find something better. That is probably why there are few younger people in the office. More importantly, at least to the people around me, there's no work-life balance.
People work on weekends, on their time off; they come into work earlier to work and stay late. This is all because of mismanagement an a generally inept method of work. Things keep messing up and the employees have to cover the slack of the higher-ups. There is a high turnover, which is unsurprising, as no one looks truly happy. As others mentioned, there is no room for innovation. They stick to outdated procedures that aren't that great.
I should mention, however, that these experiences may differ from department to department, so I can't speak for all. Finally, I will also say that the benefits are not too shabby.
Graham Charlton picks his favourite prose from the world of online retail. Good copywriting on product pages can be overlooked at times. Think of all the pages you’ve seen where retailers have just plonked the manufacturer’s description on the site, the same one that many other sites use.
This is a missed opportunity to use copy to stand out from competitors, sell the benefits of products, and to answer any questions customers might have. It can help your page rank above competitors, and persuade more people to purchase. There’s no magic template for product page copy. Good copy works well with the product and brand, and appeals to the target audience. Good copywriters are well worth the investment. There are some things to think about before writing copy:.
Does it match the brand tone of voice? The copy needs to reflect the brand and its target audience. For example, luxury brands might take a certain tone which emphasises the luxury and exclusivity of products, while a brand selling like Firebox selling fun gifts might be more playful in their copy.
Does it highlight key features and benefits? How will your product or service help a customer? This needs to be conveyed clearly. Does it tell a story about your products? Some products and brands have a history or an interesting story which can enliven product copy.
Does it explain the product? Some products need more explanation than others, but potential customers should be clear about how a product works.
Is it easy to read and scan? Formatting and presentation of copy matters a lot.
People won’t always read every word, so it’s important they can pick out the key details. Does it help with? Unique product copy is an opportunity to rank for key product-related terms. Use keyword research to inform copy – as well as helping with SEO it provides an insight into how people describe your products. The sites selected here all have some great, unique copy which fits the brand and products. Firebox Firebox is a great example of brand tone of voice in product copy.
It’s a fun site with some pretty silly products, and the copy reflects this. It also manages to sell the benefits of the products, and picks out key features clearly in bullet points. Here are some more examples of. Ugmonk Ugmonk sells its own designs, some of which are relatively expensive, so the copy has a job to do in conveying the uniqueness of the products, as well as the quality and durability.
The provenance of the product is key here, and the copy describes the design process, emphasising the work that has gone into the product and the quality of materials used. Loaf Loaf doesn’t go too heavy on the text, but uses short sentences along with images to get its points across. It’s fun and informal, and doesn’t sell too hard.

The brand tone of voice is there, but it also does the hard work of selling the benefits of the product and conveying key information on delivery and removal. Modcloth Restrained product copy from Modcloth here, which sells a vision of the dress at a reunion, rather than lingering on the details. Modcloth lets its customers do the talking, and essentially gets them to write some of the product copy. It’s a great plan if the products merit the praise, and great use of social proof to convince new customers to take the plunge. Mr & Mrs Smith Hotel site Mr & Mrs Smith works hard not just to sell the room, but the experience.
It’s quite different to some of the cut and paste copy you often see on hotel sites, it sounds like the copywriter has actually spent some time there, and has more authenticity as a result. Jo Malone For expensive luxury items, in this case £90 for a small bottle, copy needs to be persuasive and this is what Jo Malone does. It reads like tasting notes for expensive wine, and sells the experience. Palace Skateboards I’m not sure what other sites can learn from Palace, but this is definitely some of the funniest product page copy out there.

Screwfix There’s no need to sell a lifestyle or brand here, so the product copy is functional, and describes the product’s features clearly. It’s also about the way copy is laid out so shoppers can scan the page and pick out key product specifications easily. Patagonia Patagonia sells serious outdoor gear so it needs to really sell the features and uses of its products.
Npd Copy On Flowvella For Mac
The copy gets technical, talking about the materials and their durability, as well as possible uses like carrying fly boxes or cameras. Patagonia also emphasises its environmental credentials, and its support of fair trade, so it talks about its suppliers in detail. The overall effect from the copy is to portray the brand and ethical and knowledgeable. The overall effect from the copy is to portray the brand as ethical and knowledgeable. Nice fun copy from on this Fab product page, and a lot of good practice here. Alongside the description, key measurements and shipping information is laid out clearly. This makes it an easy product page for shoppers to view and digest.
Hiut Denim As befits a page selling a pair of jeans for £230, Hiut Denim’s copy works hard to emphasise the history and craftsmanship behind the product. There’s plenty of talk about the brand’s history and the manufacturing process to convey this. I also like the copy around finding the perfect fit, it’s well presented and very useful to help customers find the best fit and minimise returns.