Macos Mojave Beta
After months of beta testing, you may have updated macOS Mojave beta to the final version for stable and improved performance. Though many of you would be pretty happy to stay with the official release, the loyal beta testers wouldn’t be done as yet. If you had tried your hands on the previous Mojave beta, installing macOS Mojave 10.14.2 beta 3 would be a pretty simple affair. However, if you are new to beta testing, you will have to start afresh. As always, ensure that you have fully backed up your Mac to remain on the safer side of the stream in case of any mishap.
Besides, you must be prepared to encounter some unexpected issues (as bugs are part and parcel of the pre-release software). If you don’t want your daily driver to get affected, we recommend you install the beta on your secondary device (if you have the option). Sponsored Links Then, click on Install. Up next, go ahead with the instructions to install macOS beta. Your computer will restart to install macOS.
Have patience and let the software get installed successfully. After your Mac has restarted, macOS will be installed. Click on Continue and then log in with Apple ID and password.
Mac Os Mojave Beta 2
Finally, click on Get Started. Remain Tuned: Now that you have put your hands on the newest version of macOS, give it a long shot to try out new features and discover the add-ons that are slightly under the wraps. You would like to read these posts as well:.

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