Micromax Mmx310g Driver For Mac
But with the release of Windows 8 and later versions, the upgraded Windows users are facing some problems with this modem. The modem Micromax MMX 352G is not working on Windows 8 and later due to its incompatibility. The modem drivers are not installed on Windows 8. But don't worry, because I am going to share a trick with you by which you can use your MMX 352G 3G USB Modem on your Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 PC.
This trick also works with other models of Micromax 3G USB Modems: Micromax MMX 353G Micromax MMX 355G Micromax MMX 377G Micromax MMX 144F and more. Steps to Install The Modem Drivers in Windows 8/8.1/8.2/10. Troubleshoot Compatibility. Now run ShowModem.exe and install the drivers. After the installation, restart your PC. Connect the modem to your PC and run MMX352G 3G USB manager and it will show ‘No Device’.
But don’t worry, the original trick starts from here!. Now open Control Panel Device Manager, then under Other Devices, just uninstall all the drivers related to the modem.
After that go to Action menu and click on ‘Scan for hardware changes’, then Windows 8 will automatically scan for the changes took place in the hardware and it will be automatically updated. (NOTE: The drivers you uninstalled in the previous step will not be shown under Other Devices after this step also.). The above trick will work on all the editions of Windows 8 or 8.1 (Windows 8 Pro/ Enterprise/RT 32bit & 64bit) and may also work for MMX 353G model.
New Method Easier Method to Install The Drivers Contributed by Here is an easier method to install the Micromax Modem drivers in Windows 8 or 8.1 or 10 (issues solved 'No Device Found' in Windows 8 or 8.1):. Connect the modem to your Windows PC.
Then install the setup file, if it shows 'Install Drivers.FAIL!' , don't worry. It will prompt for a restart then restart your PC. Now go to C: Program Files MMX352G 3G USB Manager Driver (it is Program Files(x86) for 64 bit users) where you find the following files:. cmnsmdm.inf right click install OK. cmnsser.inf right click install OK.
Now run the modem software, it will show network. Tested by the contributor and its working.

Finally i had solve the issue of Micromax MMX353G USB Modem 'No Device found in Windows8/8.1' by this simple steps. 1)Before install open the setup file(all the.exe files)-right click-properties-compatibility-enable 'run this program in compatibility mode'-select Windows 7 2)Install the MMX353G software,it shows Install Drivers.FAIL! And promote you to Restart your PC. 3)Restart and ensure the MMX353G icon in the desktop is in compatibility mode(already it should be in compatibility mode after installing) 4)And go to the c: program files(x86) MMX353G 3G USB MANAGER driver Win764 here you find the following files and do the following methods. I) cmnsmdm-right click-install-ok ii) cmnsser-right click-install-ok 5)Thats all.run the program you will find that network is searching and Available. 100% tested Enjoy Friends.
Anonymous How to run the micromax modem 210 in windows 10?and it procedures )Before install open the setup file(all the.exe files)-right click-properties-compatibility-ena. 'run this program in compatibility mode'-select Windows 7 2)Install the MMX3G software it shows Install Drivers.FAIL! And promote you to Restart your PC. 3)Restart and change the compatibility mode for MMX210G icon in the desktop same as the step 1.
4)And go to the c: program files(x86) MMX210G 3G USB MANAGER driver Win732 here you find the following files and do the following methods. Canon camera drivers for mac. I) mmxportcfg -right click-install-ok ii mmxwvcom -right click-install-ok iii) mmxwvmdm -right click-install-ok 5)Thats all.run the program you will find that network is searching and Available. 100% tested Enjoy Friends.
I actually had to figure this out for myself after hiring a computer company to come in to try and fix my problem. The end result is that my laptop has a program on it called 'Driver Manager'. I ended up going into the properties (right click on the icon), went into the 'security' tab and clicked on all the 'special permissions' buttons until the driver manager program allowed me to be set up as the administrator. Once I did this, I didn`t end up having any more 'kernel mode driver errors' and the drivers downloaded with no further problems. Funny thing is that I bought my laptop 1 month earlier than my business partner (both running Windows 8). His computer downloaded the drivers the first time no problem. I spend days trying to get mine to download.

Micromax Mmx310g Driver For Mac Update
His computer didn`t end up having the same driver manager program that mine did. Leader Board Leading Today Pts Helpful 1. 200 100% Leading this Week Pts Helpful 1. 200 100% Leading this Month Pts Helpful 1.