Which Multi-function Printer For Mac

Short summary, 5 stars for actual printing function, - 1 star for high degree of frustration in setting it up on a network. Let me start with this by saying I have extensive experience in IT and setting up computers, printers, networks, etc. I found setting this printer up on the network was a nightmare. There are two modes basically, one that allows it connect to the local wireless network and a mode where the printer creates it's own network and you then connect to that to print. The problem comes in trying to determine which mode you are in as there is no external feedback on the device. You have to hold down one button until a light flashes 3 or 4 times to switch back and forth, then hold down another button until a light flashes 6 times and then printer a page showing you what mode you are. I needed a printer.
I sooooo needed a simple printer that just prints out what's on the screen. Is that too much to ask? Well, apparently it is! I bought a printer at an office supply store (yes, the big one that starts with the letter 'S') and it was a DUD. The roller didn't roll. I called customer service and the guy wanted to have someone repair my NEW PRINTER?!
In what universe does that make any sense? Well, I got my money back and not buying from that retailer again. My present-day needs are simple; just print the freakin' page. Not part of the page, the whole page without inky mess, roller problems, paper jams, and so on and so on. Printer, pure and simple with no bells or whistles. I found this one online. Reviews looked good.
Priced at under $30 - very affordable. I thought, 'Why not?' I bought the Canon LBP600D or something like that, and it was awful. No mac drivers (we have a mix in our house).
Come on Canon, it's 2014, not 2002, every device should work on Mac, Windows, and even iOS and Android! Get with the times. Anyway, I tried to install that and it didn't work on my PC. I went to install it like every other printer I've ever used by plugging it into power and my PC. You're supposed to install the software first. Couldn't ever get it to work, and this is coming from someone who used to setup technology solutions small offices such as printers, servers, networks etc.
If I couldn't figure that out, then how can the regular non-tech person? Anyway, onto this printer.
The Brother HL-L2340DW setup was a breeze. As easier as you could hope for, really. I placed it on the desk. First things first: I'm using this with a Macbook Air 13' running OS X Yosemite (10.10.5) on a home network with router supplied by my cable company (it's an integrated cable modem + router). My background includes 32 yrs in IT (software development), but I'm NOT a 'hardware geek,' and I can be a little intimidated by some hardware. So I often approach installation/setup of new electronics with some trepidation. This was probably the smoothest install/setup I've encountered.
Which Multi Function Printer For Mac
There is one issue which didn't impact the actual install/setup, but I'll get into that later. From opening the box to printing my first page, I spent under 20 minutes. This included EVERYTHING: unpacking the printer, connecting all the bits that needed to be connected. Powering it up, and installing the HP software on my Mac.
You get a CD, but I didn't use it at all. Just brought one of these home. I have always used an HP printer until frustration drove me to the store. The brother setup was not the most user friendly, (found it a bit tedious that each web app needed to have a temporary pin generated by a computer), however within an hour I had everything setup and all apps installed that I wanted to use. I am tech savy so a less tech savy user would probably need assistance to set these things up.
However they are fairly easy to use once set up. My favorite part of the printer is the automatic document feeder (ADF) scanning option. When you buy these cheap all-in-one printers the ADF is something that usually doesn't work, and if it does it works poorly the ADF on this printer works well. It feeds pages to be scanned in straight, not at an angle, it hasn't. I am on my third Brother printer for the home office after purchasing this item. My other printer didn't die, it is still going strong by the way, but I wanted to get a printer that had duplex printing (back to back printing), plus had the capability for Apple Airprint and other wireless capabilities. When I checked around, it appeared that Brother had resolved the main complaint I had with the previous model, which was the noise.
The older printer would make the lights dim and would make noise I could hear through several rooms (not good when working late at night). I jumped when I saw this printer for a really low price on a random day after looking at this model for a while (the kind of price that will make me skip eating out for a week, but not cause me to lose sleep). This printer performs as stated in the advertising. Connectivity via the various Epson applications is not difficult.
Be advised that when one uses the WiFi direct mode to connect to the printer that the connection to the Internet will be lost (This has to be qualified. If the device with the browser is not on the same network as the printer). If one needs to print a web page then using cloud services is probably the best method. Also be advised that when using the cloud services one can use the Epson printer app with ease. The process requires one to print to the cloud service and then select the Epson printer app which will locate the service and then print to your printer using WiFi direct. This problem might better have been solved by the printer having Bluetooth RF for connectivity to the. I’m extremely impressed by this small printer.
A couple days ago I bought the sprocket and it was HORRIBLE. I will post side by side comparisons vs the original below.
Which Multi Function Printer For Machine
I originally seen this printer on “the best hit” a Korean drama. They were a sponsor I suppose. So I looked into it and originally had decided I wanted something smaller, but came back to this beauty after the sprocket failed me so horribly! Love this thing and I’ve only printed 5 photos First photo is original taken by iPhone 8 plus Side by sides first is the photo print from ‘selphy’ beside is same photo printed by ‘sprocket’ Haven’t played too much with selphy yet but I know u can resize photos and the WHITE part above and below the photo comes off if u want it to. I'm very happy with this purchase. I don't miss printing color at all nor do I miss the cost associated with inkjet printers.
Printer That Works With Mac
For the cost it's hard to beat. I have a couple of caveats: 1. This is definitely not a high quality printer. It does not print B&W graphics well at all. It also struggles to print small text.
I like to print text two to a page, but I can't do that with this printer because the text is too fuzzy. I've had intermittent, problems with the wireless printing. It seems to go into a deep sleep after a few days, and I have to go an manually wake it up. This is no big deal, but then once you wake it up it takes several minutes to re-establish a connection with a computer, and when this occurs it doesn't work to plug in via a USB port.