UPDATE December 2016: For those who prefer Safari, you can get it on CNET: UPDATE March 2016: We no longer need to download Safari. ICloud works on Firefox now! Do you have presentation envy? Fed up of 'Death by PowerPoint'?!

  1. Download Keynote For Mac 10.9.5
  2. Download Keynote For Mac Torrent

Then you need Keynote. Keynote is Apple's presentation software. It is simple to use and beautifully different.

Download Keynote For Mac 10.9.5

The trouble is, only people with Mac computers are usually able to create presentations with it. You can get a basic version of Keynote if you have an iCloud account. You can get iCloud if you have an Apple device such as an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Or, of course, a Mac computer. If you don't have any of those you might want to pay a visit to your local library, or perhaps a college or workplace may have a Mac. Or bribe a friend.

Download Key Note For Mac

Once you have signed up to iCloud, you can download the iCloud Control Panel on a Windows computer and sign in to iCloud. There you will be able to access Keynote. It doesn't have the full features of the regular Keynote that you get on a Mac computer but, hey, it's still Keynote, still looks great, and still smashes PowerPoint out of the ball park. You Might Like: Life After Death By PowerPoint (really funny).

I think you can do it in vlc, ive managed to save the audio from one but cant figure out how to do the video. I think even this requires the ability to stream it but you might be able to figure it out. First you will need the stream adress rtsp://a2047.v1412b.c1412.g.vq.akamaistream.net/5/2047/1412/2h264350/1a1a1ae566df4dbc3095c327960d7be756b71b49aa1576e344addb3ead1a497aaedf11/mw20073350.mov that should be the adress for this years if they do things consistantly. Then open VLC, choose open network and put that adress in. Check the advanced output box click the settings button browse where you want the file saved and name it set the encapsulatiton method too quicktime. The 2006 macworld stream is rtsp://a2047.v1412b.c1412.g.vq.akamaistream.net/5/2047/1412/2h264350/1a1a1ae566df4dbc3095c327960d7be756b71b49aa1576e344addb3ead1a497aaedf11/mw20063350.mov if you wanna try it out with that to see if you can get it to work.

This question has been asked so many times I cant even count them. There have been sites dedicated to allowing you to download stevenotes but the first one, Applekeynotes.com, got shut down by Apple's legal team and the second, Expowiki.org, had so many problems with bandwidth that they eventually closed it too. The only thing I can tell you, is to go get a screen capture program such as Snap X Pro or iShowU, wait about a week after its posted and then screen capture it. I use to help run AppleKeynotes.com and thats how most of our keynotes were recorded. Its a long process and it sucks because if there is a glitch or a hiccup in your connection you have to start all over.


I personally just keep my eyes glued to any and all p2p/torrent sites I can find for weeks after the keynote goes up. Eventually, someone some where posts it. The last special event was posted I think 3 weeks afterwards and was only on the site for about 2 days and then it vanished for some reason. So good luck.

Click to expand.It's very common here too, most broadband plans have a download limit. Unlimited plans are very expensive. Not to mention the speed is much lower too. Broadband internet here sucks, sure we've got 24mbps ADSL2+ but it costs an arm and a leg and has an artificially imposed (by Telstra who suck) upload speed.

Download Keynote For Mac Torrent

It's also only available from the big T in areas where competitors have set up their own competing ADSL2+ infrastructure. I'd love to pay bugger all for a 6mbps unlimited internet plan. My folks are paying $80 per month for 1500kbps with a 12GB limit on downloads after which the speed is capped at 64kbps for the rest of the month.

It's total bollocks.